Newborn Baby Care Tips: 5 Things To Know When You Leave the Hospital

Starting life as a new parent is magical, but you may have questions on what you need to do, since there’s no fixed guide or rules to parenting!

Babies are generally not as fragile and can be a lot tougher than many may think! As you get to know your baby more over the next few months, you’ll learn how to understand their cues, needs and schedules. 

While caring for a newborn is not an easy task, it can be made more manageable if you’re armed with the knowledge and how-tos of baby care.

Read on for our newborn baby care tips that we hope will help you navigate this new journey of parenthood!

Feed your baby frequently

Whether you’ve chosen to breastfeed, formula feed, or do a combination of both, ensure to feed your baby frequently and as often as your baby wants. In general, newborns should be fed every 1-3 hours, which means that they can feed around 8-12 times in a 24-hour window. 

One thing to note here is that it may take some time to get used to latching. Try as far as possible to ensure your baby has a good latch in order to feed well.

If you’re having issues with your milk supply or if your little one doesn’t seem to be latching properly, it may be good to speak with a lactation consultant or your pediatrician. (We’ve written some guides to breastfeed here and here that you can check out too!) 

As your baby grows, they’ll gradually be able to drink more during each feed, and thus will need to feed fewer times a day. 

Remember to burp your baby as well after mealtimes to help get rid of any trapped gas in their stomach!

Rest when your baby is sleeping

It may be intuitive to think about getting house chores or other tasks done while your baby is asleep. But we’d recommend resting at every opportunity you can instead!

The main reason for this is that, in the early weeks, you’ll likely be woken up every hour or 2 to feed or soothe your baby at night. This interrupted sleep schedule can be taxing on your physical, mental and emotional state.

Getting some shut-eye while your baby is napping will ensure that you stay well-rested and in good health to continue caring for your little one!

Make time for bonding and soothing

Bonding is probably one of the most pleasurable parts of infant care, starting as early as the first few hours after birth.

Physical closeness and skin-to-skin contact can help promote and build an emotional connection between you and your baby. This bonding and attachment to their caregivers contributes to a child’s development in areas such as physical and cognitive growth too. 

Many babies also respond well to baby massages, where you can also use the time to have little “conversations” with your baby as they start to coo and babble back to you. 

Besides baby massages, you can also try playing some soothing music, reading or even singing to your little one as you gently rock them. 

A high-quality nursing chair can help you rock, nurse, and even put your baby to sleep in a calming and comfortable setting. You can also try swaddling your little one, as it helps them feel snug and secure!


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