9 Things to Buy for Your Newborn Baby

It’s common for most parents to start shopping for baby essentials only once their baby is born, but it helps to get everything done months ahead of the arrival of your little one!

Trust us, after bringing your baby home, you won’t have spare time to even make a quick run to the department store to buy nappies, blankets, feeding bottles and more. There may be no better time to get it done than now.

To help you out, we’re sharing our quick rundown of the essential things to buy for newborns in Singapore to get you through the first months of parenthood! 


You may want to get cute outfits to show off how adorable your little one is, but your baby doesn’t need anything fancy just yet.

For the first few months, we suggest sticking with simple and budget-friendly clothing. Here are the clothing basics your baby needs:

  1. Onesies

Dressing up your little one can be a hassle, but not when you’re putting on onesies! They’re highly recommended for newborn babies because of how easy they are to put on and take off. 

Onesies have stretchy necklines that are useful in blow-outs as you can easily pull it down without creating more mess.

  1. Sleepers

Getting sleepers is the perfect example of killing 2 birds with 1 stone. These are baby pyjamas that can be used for sleeping and playing.

Try to look for sleepers that zip down to the front down to the leg for hassle-free diaper changes. 

  1. Leggings

We recommend leggings for newborns because they make it easier to change a piece of dirty clothing without having to switch the entire outfit. 

Plus, leggings have elastic waistbands that fit over your baby’s diaper and belly and expand as they grow and gain weight! 


Whether you’ve decided to breastfeed or bottle-feed, these nursing essentials will reduce the stress of feeding your baby.

  1. Nursing pillows

Nursing pillows are made to support your little one while you’re bottle-feeding or breastfeeding. 

Other mums make do with regular pillows, but nursing pillows are generally better at keeping your baby in position and not straining your neck and back. 

  1. Bibs and burp cloths

During feeding time, milk, baby food, and spit-out will get everywhere!

There’s no other way around it, no matter how careful you are, but putting a bib and using burp cloths can prevent an outfit change after every feeding session.

Bibs help to avoid bigger spills and mess, while burp cloths can mop up spills and soak up drool. 

  1. High chair

When your little one is ready for solid food, we suggest getting them a high chair to encourage them to feed themselves on their own!

Besides portability, high chairs are easy to clean (since your baby is going to make quite a mess) and durable. You can put any solid food on the tray, wait for them to finish, and wipe it with a wet towel afterwards. 

Nursery & Home Essentials

The nursery serves as your little one’s personal space for the first few years, so it’s important to fill it with essential items that support all aspects of their development. 

Besides a sturdy crib, here are other items to add to your baby’s nursery:

  1. Dresser

Your baby may only have a limited set of clothes, but having a dresser can keep the entire nursery clean and organised. No onesies and leggings just hanging around anywhere!

If you’re a bit tight on space, a dresser can double as a changing station too! 

  1. Baby carrier

The secret to getting other household chores done while looking after a baby? A baby carrier!

Wearing your little one in a baby carrier or baby slings means they can snuggle close to you while you’re preparing today’s lunch or cleaning the nursery. 

  1. Play pen

Babies need to have a space to play, walk, roll around, and do everything else. 

Some parents don’t like the idea of taking their little one out to the park every day, so we recommend getting a play pen. If there’s not enough space in the nursery, get a portable play pen.

It comes in handy in different situations too, including overnight at grandma’s or when you need to take a quick work call.


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