6 Accessories Mum Needs


If you’re looking for a gift for a new mum or mum-to-be, sometimes they may be challenging to shop for. That’s why we’ve come up with a list of things that they’ll love (and also find useful).


Perfect as a gift for Mother’s day, or any occasion in between, we hope that this list can help to spark some ideas while you’re gift shopping!

 Maternity Pillow


Pregnancy comes with a lot of change, and a good night’s sleep is one of them. That’s why maternity pillows, also known as pregnancy pillows, are highly recommended to help expecting mums manage hip and back pain, improve circulation and also to prevent them from rolling onto their stomach.


There’s a wide variety of Maternity Pillows available for purchase both online or in physical stores, so it’s best to choose one based on the mum-to-be’s preferences and needs!


Breast Pump


A breast pump is one of the everyday essentials that every expecting mum knows they’ll need, but what they don’t often do is pick a portable one - but we believe they should!


Having to express milk can be deceivingly time consuming, so we always recommend for mums to go for a portable option that’s easily worn within their nursing bras so that they can pump on the go!


This is especially since many mums will find that multitasking is something they’ll be doing almost all the time once their baby arrives.


Baby Carrier


Being on the go and running errands will be much easier with a baby carrier that’s not only comfortable to wear but also fits well.


Look for one with straps that are easily adjustable so that the weight of the baby is distributed evenly - this is essential in preventing back aches from occurring too.


 High Chair


Mealtimes will never be the same with a baby, and believe us it’s going to get messy!


Imagine rice sprinkled all over the seat surface or blended fruit coated across the baby high chair feeding tray.


While high chairs with a plush surface may look comfortable for the little one, we’d recommend picking one that is easy to clean and maintain. New mums certainly don’t want to be stuck with hours of cleaning down their high chair after each meal!


It’ll also be helpful to find a high chair where the tray can be detached for easy washing or wiping down.




Swaddle blankets are great for keeping every baby comforted and one that many mums swear by. Not only does it help the little ones feel secure and self-soothe, but it also helps them with going to sleep more quickly.


There are many options for swaddles in the market, so be sure to find one that is easy to use and will stay securely wrapped around babies through the night.


It’ll be a nightmare for parents to be caught in a situation where it’s 2am and they’re struggling to get their baby in a nice wrap! Find one with velcro closures for a snug and secure wrap.


 Comfortable nightwear


The first few weeks of being a new mum means spending much time feeding and taking care of their babies (regardless of whether they’ve chosen to nurse or formula feed). That means that being in comfy pyjamas would help to make new mums feel good and comfortable.





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