5 Ways to Take Care of Yourself as a New Mum
When you’re a mum, sometimes practising self-care can be challenging because you’re used to taking care of everyone else first before tending to your own needs.
No matter how busy you might be looking after your little one, it’s essential to find some time to focus on your physical and mental well-being. Learning to take care of yourself isn’t only for your own benefit, but for your baby’s welfare too.
To help you out, we’re here to share our quick list of ways to practice self-care at home as a new mum!
1. Go easy on yourself
One of the things that will make your life as a new mum easier is setting reasonable expectations for yourself.
Since you had a life of your own before having a baby, it’s easy to assume that you can carry on and do everything as before. Don’t get us wrong, you still can, but only up to a certain point as you learn to get used to your body’s new needs.
Remember that your body is still in the process of healing, and there’s another person that requires your constant care and attention all day. Sometimes, managing to wake up, keep yourself fed, and accomplish even a single chore is more than enough in the beginning.
2. Rest when your baby sleeps
You’ll be awake when your little one is awake, which often includes multiple periods during the night.
So every time your baby dozes off during the day, take it as an opportunity to catch up on some sleep yourself. When you’re a mum, you never know when you will have another chance to sit back and relax.
Rest is essential for mums healing from pregnancy as you need all the energy you can get to take care of your baby. That said, you might want to take your Pregnancy pillows out of the closet because it’s still beneficial even when you’re no longer pregnant!
Pregnancy pillows are great for nonpregnant women trying to find comfortable sleeping positions that don’t strain their spines.
3. Exercise regularly
Exercising might be the last thing on your mind right now, but it has countless benefits for your physical and mental health!
Regular exercise boosts your mood, gives you more energy and better sleep, and helps you maintain a healthy weight. These are all that you need after pregnancy.
There’s no need to sign up for a gym membership because strapping on the baby carrier and taking a walk outside is considered a physical activity. Anything that will make you get up on your feet and break some sweat counts!
If you do want to hit the gym, maybe check if it offers mommy-and-me yoga classes or baby boot camp.
Maintain your friendships
It’s worth remembering that you had a life and friends before motherhood took all your time and energy. Even if the relationships will have to change a bit, try to keep in touch with your friends.
If you have free time during your baby’s naptime, call one of your closest girlfriends and tell them how life’s been going for you, even if you have nothing interesting to share.
Maybe ask your partner if he can take over your role for a little while so you can schedule a quick brunch date with your friends on a weekend to catch up. Your friends are a great source of perspective and support in your journey to parenthood.
Learn to ask for help
People won’t just offer their hand unless they genuinely want to help you, so now isn’t the time for independence.
When someone offers, don’t think of yourself as a burden. Instead, give them your grocery list, show them which clothes to fold, or show them how to empty the trash.
It feels wonderful to have people around you who care, so it’s okay if they don’t do things exactly the way you would.
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