Types of Car Seats for Newborn Babies


Choosing a car seat for your baby is a huge decision for every parent. It’s an essential piece to keep them safe outside and while in transport, so compromising its quality shouldn’t be an option.


There are different types of baby and infant car seats available in the market, from infant car seats to booster seats. So your choice will ultimately depend on your baby’s age, height, weight, and of course, your budget.


Read on below to find out more about which car seat would be best for your little one and your family!

  1. Infant car seat


Infant car seats are designed for newborns and infants, typically used from birth to around the age of 2, or until your baby reaches the weight limit.


The first thing you have to know about them is that they can only sit in your vehicle in the rear-facing position, which is the safest position for babies and infants to ride in!


This type of car seat comes with a base that stays bucked in the car, making it easier to move your little one in and out of the vehicle. Some models even have multiple seat bases which you can install in your other cars if needed.


Infant car seats function as baby carriers as well, so getting one will be like hitting 2 birds with 1 stone.


As great as infant car seats are, they have the shortest life span among the types of car seats. Depending on the growth of your baby, this car seat can last 12 to 24 months.


Once your baby reaches the maximum weight and height for the seat, it’s time to switch to another type of car seat.


  1. Convertible car seat


Convertible car seats are worth getting if you’re after a car seat that’ll give you the best bang for your buck. It’s the type of car seat that can be used from birth until your child outgrows it altogether!


Unlike infant car seats, convertible car seats can be used in both the forward-facing or rear-facing position, although the weight of your child needs to be considered.


We recommend starting with the rear-facing position for younger babies. Once your child has reached the seat’s weight and height limit, which usually happens around the age of 2-3, that’s the time to switch to the forward-facing position.


The disadvantage of convertible car seats is their heavy and bulky frame, so it’s not advisable to use them as carriers. Plus, they don’t have detachable bases, which is bad news if you have multiple vehicles.


The perfect time to stop using convertible car seats is when your child’s ear hits the top of the seat, or when their shoulders go above the seat’s top slots.


  1. 3-in-1 seats


3-in-1 seats are quite similar to convertible seats in terms of build and function. Some call it the car seat you’d purchase after your child outgrows their convertible seat but isn’t quite ready for booster seats just yet.


The only difference is that 3-in-1 seats function as booster seats too, although with fewer features than an actual booster seat.


The 3-in-1 options can be great investments to help your child through their journey of riding in a rear-facing position until they’re big enough to no longer need a car seat!


  1. Booster seats


Booster seats will be the last type of car seat you’ll be getting for your child.


Since most children aren’t quite tall enough for regular seat belts to fit them properly, a booster seat will keep them safe while inside the vehicle. It ensures that the seat belt crosses over their bodies at correct points to securely hold them in.


Among the car seat types, booster seats will last you the longest. These seats are designed for children aged 3 and above, and can be used until their primary school years.


Just a friendly reminder here that Singapore’s laws state that children whose height is below 1.35m needs to be secured with an appropriate child restraint system!


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